Once an administrator has been created, you can grant various user rights as a super administrator. Here you can see how to add an administrator: Add administrators to zones
Choose between following rights:
- View only - View only
- Requester - Has invite rights for all persons or restricted to responsible companies
- Approver - Has invite and approve rights from all users or restricted to responsible companies
- Super Administrator - sees all users, can approve and invite all persons, can add new responsible companies, can add user levels of registered administrators
1. Go to ZONES under Munio Access - Administration
2. On the left-hand side, select the correct zone in which the administrator has been added. On the right-hand side, search for the person under ADMINISTRATORS
3. ROLE: Select admin rights - Don't forget to save
- USER VIEW: If your company allows requesters/approvers from framework agreement partners, you will be given the choice "All users" or "Restricted". Here you can restrict access to responsible companies where administrators can invite and approve people. Don't forget to save.
- DELETE: Here you can delete the administrator from the zone.
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