You have a set of reports at your disposal! You can find them all in the left menu in Munio LMS (given that you have administrator rights).
Diplomas: Shows everyone who has or has had a course diploma with you.
User status: The report shows everyone who has been invited to a course and how far they have come. This report only applies to users who have an account in Munio. People you've invited who don't have an account will only appear once they've registered!
Licenses: Shows who has used a license you have purchased.
At the top of all reports, you will find a filter/search bar.
If you click in the search field, you will see options to filter on. If you type directly into the search field without selecting anything, you will search across all the options.
The reports can be downloaded to Excel. A report is exported with the filter you have entered. Export reports to Excel
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