Invite one or more users to one or more courses. It's a good idea to check if you have enough licenses for the course before sending the invitation.
1. Go to Invitations under TOOLS in your company's menu.
2. Select NEW INVITATION (on the right side)
Maximum number of recipients: If you set a limit, the invitation will only be valid for that number of recipients. You may want to leave it unlimited. That way you can use the same invitation again if you need to invite to the same course later.
Relationship: the selection here controls who the course is available to.
Recipient's employer: only for contractors/visitors. Here you select the company the recipients are employed by, or leave it unspecified.
Roles: The recipients of the invitation will be registered to this role. Only for members and if the company has created roles. - How to create a role
Courses: Select + to add the course you want to invite to. Add the course(s) by selecting+ and then ADD
4. Select ADD to add recipients
LANGUAGE: Select the language the invitation will be sent in. Only the default text in the invitation will be translated.
MESSAGE: Add a message (optional)
RECIPIENTS: Add one or more e-mail addresses, or copy from a list.
5. Select + to add e-mail addresses
6. Select SEND
7. The user will receive an email with an invitation link to log in/create a user account and gain access to courses. A user account is not automatically created in the system.
If you only want to invite one user to one course, you can enroll directly in the course.
1. Go to Courses
2. Click on the course picture you want to invite to
3. Click on INVITE USER(S) (right corner)
4. Enter the name or e-mail address in the search field.
5. Click on the arrow to the right of the user.
6. If you don't find the person to invite, enter the email address in the type an e-mail to invite a user field. An invitation will then be sent to the user by e-mail.
7. Select ADD
8. The user will receive an invitation that appears at the top of ‘My courses’, and will receive an e-mail that a course enrolment has taken place.
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