1. Go to www.munioaccess.com
2. Log in or create a new user profile (select the appropriate language if necessary)
Already have an account: Type in the e-mail address or mobile number you are registered with - How do I log in?
- Select NEXT
- Enter your password - I forgot my password!
- Select LOG IN
No existing account: Select CREATE ACCOUNT - Create account
- Enter your full name (first name and last name) and e-mail address, and choose a password.
- Select NEXT
- Select your employer and click NEXT - It is important that the company you select is your actual employer, not a client or a company that is hiring you.
- Read and accept the terms & conditions, and click CREATE ACCOUNT
You have now created a user account which you can log in to every time you need to renew a course or take a new one.
Munio Access
- Select Munio Access in the menu below your name
- Select the facility you intend to visit and specify the zone
- You must complete all courses displayed for the zone:
- To start, click on the course you want to complete.
- Once you have completed the course, you will see the following:
- Once you have been cleared for the zone, you will see the following:
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